Ten Foot Pole - Too Late

When she first apologized it
Seemed that no one cared no
One cared about her shame no
One cared about her pain and
She could not accept that no
One gave her time she said
"they will watch me yes
By god i'll make them
See my god, i can't believe you're gone it's too
Late to say "hang
On sometimes you just have to wait this time it's just too
Late she keeps apologizing
Every single night every
Night she wrings her hands
Every night that's where she
Stands and i cannot accept
That i could have changed her
Fate if i only would have
Known my friends keep telling me that it will be all right
But they don't know the cost
No they don't know what i've
Lost they keep on talking but
To me there's nothing left

There is nothing you can say