Ten Foot Pole - Pride And Shame

is there something more i
just can't see? i've been so
busy trying every day to make
ends meet been such a long time since i stopped to smell
the coffee now i wonder can i
tell the forest from the trees? i know that i feel
pride and i know that i fear
shame i know i want you to
smile when you hear my name

seems like a silly game but i know i play it harder than
anything i feel alone there's
people everywhere some of these people even care once
in a while you find someone
who really cares but i'm too

busy to give them what they
need it's not greed it's the fear of failure it keeps me
going but when tomorrow comes
there's always something more
and i can't stop working long
enough to wonder what life's
for what is it for? am i just
a whore? who am i working for?