Ten Foot Pole - Final Hours

I knew the day would come maybe this would be the one
where I would say goodbye i've tried to understand the law
of supply and demand but it does no good to wonder why I
wonder if my number is really up this time there were other
times before when I thought it was over somehow I made it
this far won't be lucky forever these could be the final hours
I wish I could say I feel more than fear and bitterness i've
given you everything I had maybe I could have gave more
all I can do is wait and see if these are my final i'm waiting
just waiting to see are these my final hours you're so afraid
of how you look and what they think of you don't you know
what really matters it's not you say it's what you do you
make me laugh when you demand respect I only give
respect when respect is due you're just a gambler
politician chairman of the board corporate suck ass
playing the odds gambling with lives that to you are no
more than numbers and statistics